What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Pain Disorders
Low back pain, stiffness, spasms and knee pain
Upper and mid back pain
Arm, shoulder, neck pain
Headache, migraine, jaw pain
Sports injuries (sprains, strains, overuse)
Pre- and post-surgical treatment
Respiratory & Immunity Issues
Food and seasonal allergies
Cold, flu & sinus issues
Post-covid symptoms (cough, low energy, mental fogginess)
Chemotherapy and radiation support
[lessens side effects (fatigue, nausea, peripheral neuropathy, etc.) and supports body so treatment can be completed]
Stress & Sleep Issues
Difficulty falling and staying asleep
Anxiety and worry
Sadness and depression
Feeling overwhelmed
Digestive & Urinary Disorders
Acid reflux
Lack of and excessive appetite
Diarrhea and constipation
Stress incontinence
Urinary frequency
Abdominal pain
Menstrual issues & fertility
Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and irregular cycles
Premenstrual syndrome
Postmenopausal syndrome (hot flashes, night sweats, mood imbalance)
Pelvic pain
Skin Issues
Dry, itchy skin
Eczema & psoriasis
Shingles & herpes zoster